You are currently browsing the monthly archive for October 2010.

Love is when you’re almost positive,
that person is your better half.
Not that they’re better than you,
but that both of you together
creates something more amazing
than you two separately.

It’s when you can’t help but smile when you hear their name,
and you still get butterflies in your stomach when you first see them.
It’s when their pain is your pain, their happiness is your happiness.
You can both see past each other’s facades
and you understand how to deal with the person underneath the walls.

You get angry at each other for your faults,
but as soon as you see each other, the anger just fades away
because you just can’t stay angry
with someone who you could lose so easily.
It’s when you understand that you must live your lives now
and take advantage of each other’s time,
even though you plan to spend the rest of your lives together.
It’s giving up that last laugh to keep them around,
or making a fool of yourself to bring a smile to their face.
Essentially, it’s staying with each other
because the other person completes you.

Where are you?

Something is not right…

I feel like am heading the wrong direction..
don’t know why..
where i should go?


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