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One time i feel like i am reaching the sky,
laughing out loud happily..
Another time like i am going to crash the ground,
crying till i can not cry anymore..

Thank you for the roller coaster of life 😉
for strengthen me day by day..
for letting me understand that
life is simple yet complicated at the same time..
for finally opening my eyes
to what are the really precious things in my life,
that i always forgot to…..

Failure makes us humble. Regret makes us human.
Making mistakes is probably the most effective way to learn.
To know my limits. Perhaps to stretch them.
To find out the many shades of grey in between.
But I’m not one of those people who embrace making mistakes,
because a lot of pain just come with it.
And sometimes it doesn’t affect only me,
but the people I love as well.
A mistake is not a mistake if the damage has no value.

Things change with the way I see and value them differently.
Knowing that i have people in my life who always have my back
really makes a huge difference.

I can stretch out further,
grow and find my own place in this world
a little more unworried..
It makes me stand firm against harmful influence
and gives me strength to defend what’s precious to me.

thank you God.. for giving me the answer..
a peaceful whisper more than ever..
now, i know where i am heading to..
♥ u so much my JC~ xoxo 🙂

some quote is taken via here | image via here

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